This is a great basic soufflé recipe. Review my video, it will help you!

Preheat oven to 375F


3TBS Unsalted Butter

3TBS Flour

1 Cup Whole Milk

1tsp Vanilla

1oz Cointreau

1/2 Cup Sugar

5 Egg Yolks

5 Egg Whites

1/2 tsp Tarter

(Extra Room Temp Butter and 1/4 Cup of Sugar for prepping the soufflé dish and meringue.)

Throughly brush the inside of the soufflé dish* with the room temp Butter.  Add the Sugar to the dish and tip it around so the sugar covers it in its entirety. Put it aside until needed

Melt unsalted Butter in medium sauce pan over medium heat. Whisk in the Flour to make a blond roux. Let it cook for a couple of minutes. Now add the milk and whisk until it starts to thicken, add the 1/2 Cup Sugar and whisk until smooth. Let the mixture just start to bubble and take off heat. Whisk in the Vanilla and the Cointreau. Now slowly whisk the egg yolks into the mixture.  Set aside for a moment while you whip the egg whites.

Put Egg whites and Tarter into mixing bowl with a whip attachment. Turn up to high and whip until you get to soft peak stage. At this time, add in a couple of tablespoons of sugar and continue to whip to stiff peak stage. Stop the mixing.

Take a large scoop of the egg whites and put into the roux mixture and stir it in with authority. Then take all the roux mixture and pour it into the egg whites. Now you need to gently fold the mixtures together. Gently, gently so as not to deflate the egg whites. It doesn’t have to be homogenous.

Pour mixture into the soufflé dish, fill about 3/4 full. Put it into the hot oven and bake for about 20 minutes, maybe more.

When it has puffed up, browned a bit and smells amazing, take out of oven and serve right away.

*This recipe will work for 6 to 8 portion size ramekins or 2 larger sizes.

